Poor Folk Novel
By Fyodor Dostoyevsky Synopsis The story sets in St. Petersburg, Russia where two bright and introspective individuals living in difficult circumstances in 19th century. Makar Alexeievitch Devushkin is an old servant who will soon in retirement and Varvara Alexeievna Dobrossiélova is a low-paid seamstress who lives a few blocks away. Makar is deeply in love with Barbara, but Barbara never confesses her love for him nor she encourages the generous gifts Makar bestows upon her with whatever he has and at times depriving himself of his basic needs, yet she never refuses him entirely. Makar consistently tries to win Barbara's hand even when he knows deep inside that he would eventually lose his side. Barbara goes on to marry Monsieur Bwikov whom she has no particular affection to, still takes such a decision to drift herself away from poverty. Makar even knowing Barbara's decision asks her to right back may be for one last time... Bookie Cookie Opinion Poor Folk,...